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THE PHOTO FEATURE for this posting will be about the Rasmussen family -- as two of the brothers married two of 'our' Paulsen sisters. If anyone would like a large resolution email attachment of the following photo [ca 1900 Cando ND] just ask by email - - meanwhile, do click on the image with cursor to enlarge it {or any other image or page in the blog} for ease of viewing. [Then cursor to come 'Back' -- okay?] Rasmus & Stine had seven sons but their 2nd-born died as a teenager in Denmark a year before they emigrated to Minnesota. Here the brothers stand in birth order starting from the right: Ras, Chris, Jim, Maurice, Will & Carl.
Since I forgot to include a couple of nice pix of the brothers' Parents (seated above) in the Rasmussen photo collection below and Since I cannot insert errant photos within this totem pole of images once others are in place, I'll show them now before the July diary images.
The following two portraits were made the same day as the group photo above: the father Rasmus Rasmussen (1838 Denmark--1924 MT) and the mother Stine {Mette Kjirstine Madsen} Rasmussen (1849 Denmark-- 1910 MT.) Our MaryOP will mention her death in the upcoming Oct.1910 diary. The corner of this photo of Rasmus shows in part the embossed 'Jorgenson photo studio' as was Stine's -- ca 1900, in Cando ND -- before they moved west to Kalispell MT:
Rasmus the dad:
' Stine' (Mette) the mother:
And here are Stine and Rasmus (and hound) some years later in front of their Montana home. We've another pic of them at this location >> see the very last photo of this July posting.

And here are Stine and Rasmus (and hound) some years later in front of their Montana home. We've another pic of them at this location >> see the very last photo of this July posting.
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MaryOP's cash-out list for July 1910:

Now, the July 1910 DIARY:
"This Night had a Fine Raine" -- Amen! -- Throughout most of June's diary she'd been praying for rain as most area crops were failing in drought. She was quite sick through most of June and still recovering in July. That day 10th-born George (age 20 in 1910) and his wife Annie (Nelson) have left for a place 400 miles 'as the crow flies' west of Cando ND, traveling I assume by train. Glascow is a town halfway on east-west line between Cando and Kalispell MT. (A reminder, or for those new to the blog/ history:: Kalispell is where Albert & Mary O. Paulsen and second half of their family -- incl. George-- lived 1901-1904, and where Albert Paulsen died in 1904.) Here are George and Annie when they wed in 1908:

Usually the big clan of Paulsens-Rasmussens gather for holidays, etc, at Lena and Ras Rasmussen's capacious place in Egeland. Decades of subsequent gatherings were often centered there -- e.g., this next photo circa 1937 is of a gathering there --well-wishers-- before Henry Paulsen, Tillie and most of their family would move west to Oregon. (MaryOP was alive in 1937 but living out her final years in Minot ND with daughter Lill & Edwin Nelson & family.)
A circus in town ?! Yup -- here's a circus parade on the main street of Cando six years earlier; photo from pg. 12 in a book Cando (1884-1984), a Century of Progress. See the three elephants leading the way? (click cursor on photo to enlarge it.)

MaryOP's 12th-born Hannah and beau Evan Jones (couple on left of this photo below) will wed in seven months, same day as 11th-born Lill and beau Edwin Nelson (at right) ! Preparations in motion in July 1910 for the big double event, held in MaryOP's home in Cando. Lill and Hannah are the older of "The Girls" threesome at home who Mary often writes of in the Collective. Emma (age 16 in 1910) is the youngest of MaryOP and Albert's 13 offspring, and she'll be at home with MaryOP for three more years until her marriage to John R. Hanson.

That's the last of MaryOP's nice pen for a while! The next day she leaves on a week away from her home (and ink pen) as she visits from one kid's home to the next -- and at times the pencil she uses on the road can be very hard to read. I can hardly decipher portions of the next pages -- but cursor-tapping on each of the next few (penciled) pages will enlarge and might clarify it for you, if you care to fuss.

Such very sad losses, all those crops. The penciled half of page above is faded nearly into oblivion. She wrote "I went up to Freds for dinner. Fred took me up to look over the Farm and up to Egeland. Lillie and I came up to Jims to stay over Night. Wills, Jacob Nelsens and Henrys was here in the evening." So, Paulsen sisters Lill & Annie (Jims) and their brothers Will and Henry are there with wives, sisters Olga and Tillie, seen standing far left and far right below -- and O & T's parents Jacob and Kjirstine Nelson of Bisbee:

Daughter Annie (m. Jim Rasmussen) drove them to Sander Fredlunds home, and Hilda? (Will Rasmussen's?) then stayed over with son Fred. Here's 'Freds' -- with Myrtle (Forney) and children Albert and Jeanette in about 1905 :
Five of MaryOP's kids are involved in the page above: Lena (Rasmus's), Fred & Lillie are at Edward's, then to Henry's for overnight. She gets around.
Picking over the potatoes was an ugly job in the cellar -- now made even riper-stinky by the heat of July. Here's a stately photo of 'Jims' in 1907: MaryOP's daughter Annie C. with husband Jim Rasmussen and kids Eva, Joy and baby Ervin.
By buggy from Lena-Ras's to Egeland, then by train to Bisbee's depot and a 'lift' from Bro. Hanson to Will and Olga's place as they were elsewhere and couldn't fetch her. 'Wills' had stopped farming (1910) near Egeland and moved west to Bisbee so he could work in an automobile shop there, which he'd later own. Olga's parents and some of her siblings lived in Bisbee. Brother Hanson was a missionary from out west; note --she gave him $3.00 [cash-out entry for July 18] for his Mission work.
One of her four letters written that day (above) goes to Carl, age 28, the youngest Rasmussen brother. I don't think she has mentioned him before, at least in the diaries we have access to. She is home to Cando after a week 'abroad' -- staying in her children's homes around those few adjacent townships in Towner county. And by evening -- yay! -- back also to her usual and consistent ink pen.
MaryOP's cash-out list for July 1910:

Now, the July 1910 DIARY:





I didn't get the page for July 18 into this line-up, so here it is:
"S. very Windy. // Jesus Transfigured on the Mount. Matt.17:1-8, 14-20.// One letter to Jims and one to Boston Store. Bro.Hanson and Martha went on the Train to Fargo today. I went into Town this afternoon, up to the Bank and up to the Courthouse. And bought 75 doz of Eggs and 37 1/2 (lbs) Butter. Father be with us through the (night) for Jesus sake."
Martha was a sometime house-helper for MaryOP. I think. At least in times past Martha has sewn and darned with them, helped with other projects -- but that could just be a friend who hangs out and does what the Paulsen womenfolk are doing. However, I've tended toward the house-helper idea as MaryOP usually refers to such with first names only, like family.
75 dozen eggs - - - that's 900 eggs! You suppose she bought all that in order to share some with her many local offsprings' families? Or, 900 eggs in her cellar?
I don't know How one packs down ANY egg, let alone 900. But Lena-descendant Lorin Severson tells that there was a product introduced long ago called Water-Glass, used to seal the eggshell, and his wife Carlene learned from a turkey farmer that one could dip the egg in parafin wax to keep them. Thank you, Seversons. Further: Waterglass is liquid sodium silicate, the same stuff one can find today in a pharmacy or auto parts store, I've learned. It reads in the 1886 Fannie Farmer cookbook: "Preserve eggs for months with Waterglass. Mix 1 part Waterglass with 10 parts cooled, boiled water; pour into a large, stone crock. Wipe off fresh eggs with flannel cloth and place in solution (eggs should be covered with 2 inches.) Cover crock and keep in a cool, dry place." This method is still used by some today -- A recent Lehman ad states "it's nonhazardous, fumeless, and a one-gallon bucket of Waterglass will preserve 50 dozen eggs." Other sources say eggs can be kept for months if not washed but simply turned over once a week and kept in carton in cool cellar. By either method,, Mary's cellar wasn't likely very cool. [Oh, that Waterglass stuff can also be used to seal the engine of an old car...] I learn something every day.
That was Hot work on a Hot day.

I.e., she wrote to banker Curtis Lord and to her renter on her Starkweather land.

Hmmm. About the letter to Evangelisten; I'm guessing it's re: a newsletter or tracts published. She liked to always have religious tracts on hand to give out whenever and to whomever she deemed be in need thereof. Sometimes certain tract titles were ordered for concerns about certain folk.

Daughter-in-law Olga (nee Nelson, m. to MaryOP's eldest son Will) takes her by horse and buggy. Post-train, MaryOP's 9th-born Henry takes her the few miles east from Egeland to his and Tillie's place. Tillie (nee Nelson, younger sis of Olga) Paulsen is now about six months pregnant with their first child -- Everett (1910-2006, my Dad -- whose birth MaryOP will assist as midwife as she did for SO many family members' families and neighbors in the county. Morris R. and H. Fredricks' places are near her farmland (one of them near Henry's) east of Egeland.
A VERY busy day of crop checking etc, via hired team/ buggy. This is the first time I've read of her going to a restaurant! {Bertha O. a is teenaged sister of the Peter Odegaard who will wed Ras & Lena's 2nd-born Mae in 1918.} MaryOP owns property (farm with house) in aptly named Starkweather ND -- and needs help with plowing, harvesting and other farmwork throughout year so hires men to do that, sometimes incl. her own sons. (See cash-out entry for July 7, to son Henry.)
She stayed at the Johnson home wherever that might be; then via daughter Lena's buggy to her place where five related womenfolk gathered with MaryOP: Myrtle (married to MOP's 5th-born, Fred Paulsen), Hilda (m. to Will Rasmussen), 'Annie Morris' (m. to Morris Rasmussen), MOP's daughter Lena (m. to Ras S Rasmussen), MOP's daughter Annie (m. to Jim Rasmussen.) Yikes -- the complexities of the Paulsen><>
That quantity of flour I can't really imagine but then, I'm not always baking for a crew! Here's 'Carls' in 1907 photo, i.e., MaryOP's eldest daughter Mary HPF and her Fredlund family of husband Carl, Jalmer and little Nellie in 1907:

'Georges' are still off in Montana. Another letter recipient is MaryOP's older brother Christian A. Olsen in Albert Lea MN-- age of thisphoto unknown; I'm guessing it's within the 19-teens:
1.) 'RAS. S' -- Rasmus Rasmussen [1873--1952]
He will marry MaryOP's second eldest daughter, Lena Fredericke Paulsen. Here she is, date unknown, but before their marriage:
About 10 years later they pose with their (then) four children -- last-born Agnes would arrive in the latter part of 1910:

Daughter-in-law Olga (nee Nelson, m. to MaryOP's eldest son Will) takes her by horse and buggy. Post-train, MaryOP's 9th-born Henry takes her the few miles east from Egeland to his and Tillie's place. Tillie (nee Nelson, younger sis of Olga) Paulsen is now about six months pregnant with their first child -- Everett (1910-2006, my Dad -- whose birth MaryOP will assist as midwife as she did for SO many family members' families and neighbors in the county. Morris R. and H. Fredricks' places are near her farmland (one of them near Henry's) east of Egeland.

'Georges' are still off in Montana. Another letter recipient is MaryOP's older brother Christian A. Olsen in Albert Lea MN-- age of thisphoto unknown; I'm guessing it's within the 19-teens:
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All seven sons of Rasmus & Stine Rasmussen were born in Denmark. A Long-Told story has it that Rasmus was presented with an 'award' for producing seven lads... but grandson/ historian Larry Smith has quite disproved that with correspondance to-from an Denmark archivist in 1975. Father Rasmus emigrated to USA a couple years before returning to Denmark to fetch his family. He worked in the building up railroad system westward to the Pacific. A family story has it that he was there for the driving of the golden spike which joined the railways in 1869 but that occurred 20 yrs before he'd bring his family to USA ... so, who knows. He returned to Denmark to his family at some point and they all made the trip -- well, all but their 2nd-born.
1.) 'RAS. S' -- Rasmus Rasmussen [1873--1952]
Firstborn Ras added a plain letter 'S' as his middle name to keep his mail delivery distinct from his dad Rasmus Rasmussen who lived nearby.
Here he is as a bachelor in Egeland NDak, maybe 1893? Next two photos were made in a Devil's Lake studio, south of Egeland and Cando a piece:

Seemingly LEGIONS of our relatives in that generation chose Christmastime for their weddings! Ras and Lena were married on 24 December 1896 in Cando NDak. What looks to be a faded photo blotch on the side of her dress is a veil --

A couple of children earlier, here are Ras & Lena in buggy/Sunday best with Elna and little Mae:

They lived and farmed in Egeland NDak. Ras S was known as a progressive and prosperous farmer in those parts. Here is the family (plus farm workers and a house servant) displayed in front of their second home, built in 1910. See Elna and Mae on the balcony?
Many Rasmussen-Paulsen holiday gatherings were held at their capacious home over the decades. We'll see more of such in future blog postings.
Married names of the three Ras-Lena daughters = Elna (R. Severson), Mae (R. Odegaard) and Agnes (R. Thornton). Here is the Ras & Lena family gathered in about 1928, I'm guessing. Most of the 'kids' are married by this time:

Son Peter didn't survive the family's time in their homeland. He died at age 13 and the story goes that he descended the stairs from the bedrooms one day and announced, 'I will die today.' And he did.. A further story goes that that the Mother was more readied for their emigration due to losing him -- could be so -- and that when their eldest son Ras declared that he was going to emigrate to USA, Mother 'Stine' said they would ALL go and they did, in 1889-- a year after Peter's death. I have no photo (yet) of the lad but here is the Rasmussen family ancestral home built in 1810 which still stands in Sødinge, Denmark (same Ringe parish region from which the Paulsens emigrated 16 yrs earlier) so this photo will need represent Peter Rasmussen:
Chris and Dagny's first-born Lydia (R. Grover/ Lunde) was born in NDak and the subsequent five, Esther (R. Ross), Iva (R. Carpenter), Pearl (R. Bowman), Ruby (R. Smith) and Don Rasmussen were born in Kalispell MT.
All five of their kids were born in Egeland ND, as far as I can tell. Here they pose in about 1912 in birth order from tallest -- Elna, Mae, Ernest, Walter and Agnes:

They lived and farmed in Egeland NDak. Ras S was known as a progressive and prosperous farmer in those parts. Here is the family (plus farm workers and a house servant) displayed in front of their second home, built in 1910. See Elna and Mae on the balcony?
Certainly on the same day as the one above, the photographer documents house And barn -- with Ras standing in front of it. Kids, some of their animals and all available buggy and implement are documented too; photographers traveled the rural areas to capture such scenes; a family is fortunate to have an old document like this. The family name Rasmussen is painted on the barn, mispelled-- darn it. The image is too tiny to view well, I know, but try enlarging it some with a tap of your cursor:

Married names of the three Ras-Lena daughters = Elna (R. Severson), Mae (R. Odegaard) and Agnes (R. Thornton). Here is the Ras & Lena family gathered in about 1928, I'm guessing. Most of the 'kids' are married by this time:
And I cannot resist this photo of Ras cutting the cake on his 54th (?) birthday:

2.) PETER -- Mads Peter/ Hans Peder Rasmussen [1875--1888 ]
Son Peter didn't survive the family's time in their homeland. He died at age 13 and the story goes that he descended the stairs from the bedrooms one day and announced, 'I will die today.' And he did.. A further story goes that that the Mother was more readied for their emigration due to losing him -- could be so -- and that when their eldest son Ras declared that he was going to emigrate to USA, Mother 'Stine' said they would ALL go and they did, in 1889-- a year after Peter's death. I have no photo (yet) of the lad but here is the Rasmussen family ancestral home built in 1810 which still stands in Sødinge, Denmark (same Ringe parish region from which the Paulsens emigrated 16 yrs earlier) so this photo will need represent Peter Rasmussen:
3.) CHRIS -- Hans Kristjan Rasmussen [1877--1952]
Chris met his future wife Dagny Marie ('Mary') Jorgensen (of Oslo Norway) when she was working as house-helper to Mary OP or was it at Lena-Ras' place? They married in Egeland on 25 December 1900:
Chris met his future wife Dagny Marie ('Mary') Jorgensen (of Oslo Norway) when she was working as house-helper to Mary OP or was it at Lena-Ras' place? They married in Egeland on 25 December 1900:
Then, some 49 years later:

Here they are with their first three, ca 1907 -- Lydia and Esther are in front of Dagny with Iva on Chris' lap:
Here's a SWEET photo of their 5th-born Ruby and last-born Don at a Kalispell MT studio, likely 1921:

Here are all manner of Rasmussens, featuring Dagny & Chris and five of their six kids (missing Ruby) and lots of their grandkids -- plus Chris' just younger brother Jim in suit at far right (by Anna in hat) and youngest brother Carl (that's Hair, not hat) behind Jim:

Here are all manner of Rasmussens, featuring Dagny & Chris and five of their six kids (missing Ruby) and lots of their grandkids -- plus Chris' just younger brother Jim in suit at far right (by Anna in hat) and youngest brother Carl (that's Hair, not hat) behind Jim:
My favorite photo of Dagny & Chris with their youngest daughter, Ruby:
4.) JAMES (Jim) -- Jens Elo Rasmussen [1879--1968]
Jim married MaryOP's sixth-born, Anna Christine Paulsen on Christmas Eve 1902 in Kalispell MT. Here's their fine wedding photo:

Here's Jim, Anna and young family ca 1907 then living in Egeland NDak -- little Eva (standing), Joy and baby Ervin Elmer:
Next is what looks to me like a courting days photo or as young marrieds, so 1901-1903.
-- Is Anna snatching off his hat?

Here's Jim, Anna and young family ca 1907 then living in Egeland NDak -- little Eva (standing), Joy and baby Ervin Elmer:
Jim was a longtime Reverend and leader in Church service for many years in the West, including officiating at many marriages and funerals in various Rasmussen--Paulsen families' lives and beyond. Here are Anna & Jim Rasmussen; daughters Eva (Sam Turnbow) and Joy (Archie Bursch) in Spokane:

The kids, pre-1923:

Next is Joy & Ervin in Spokane, 1923, photographed not long before Ervin would die of heat stroke at age 16:
Now a 3-generation document of Mary O Paulsen between daughter Anna P. Rasmussen and granddaughter Joy, likely sometime in the 1930s:
5.) MORRIS (Maurice, 'Morse') -- Marius Alexander Rasmussen [1882--1954]

Next is Joy & Ervin in Spokane, 1923, photographed not long before Ervin would die of heat stroke at age 16:
5.) MORRIS (Maurice, 'Morse') -- Marius Alexander Rasmussen [1882--1954]
Here's a dashing photo of Morris -- cropped from the Cando NDak family photo ca 1900 seen near top of this July posting; he's about age 18:

On to April 1905 when Maurice (Morris) married Anna Severena Johnson (of Kopervik Norway) in Kalispell MT:
Some of our Readers may be 'new' to the Maurice Rasmussen family so I won't skimp on photos.
Maurice and Anna had five children: Harry, Evelyn, Thelma (aka Sally, still living and a centenarian-plus), Mildred and Grace. Here Maurice stands in back with Anna in darkest dress to right of vested Harry. The smallest / youngest is Grace but I'm not sure which face is who of the other three sisters in this photo from the late 1920s:
I don't know a location or year but here's a classy pose of Maurice in the countryside:
An anniversary, it seems:
A beautiful photo setting from 1941 in Washington state -- I forget what I was told of the park's name:
Next they stand in order of birth: Morris & Anna; Harry, Evelyn (R. Freeland), Thelma(Sally, R. Ward), Mildred (R. Mehl), and Grace (R. Bergman/ Simmons). Harry, Evelyn and Thelma were born in Kalispell MT; Mildred and Grace in Egeland ND. All but Evelyn lived Wenatchee WA; she lived in Idaho and Colorado.
Next, the four daughters of Morris and Anna are seen sometime in the 1930s. Thelma ('Sally' - the tallest) was a fine seamstress and sewed many of their clothes. Sally is age 101 (in July 2010) in Tucson. She had kept her last surviving sister Mildred in well tailored attire until Mildred died in 1992.

Lastly of Morris, here's a cool photo of him and his Annie celebrating some anniversary(s?) with his brother Jim and his Annie, maybe in the 1940s. Indeed, as the two bros had married Anna(s) (nee Johnson and Paulsen) the women were often referred to as 'Annie Morris' and 'Annie Jim' to distinguish the two -- a typical method back then in families with multiples of a popular name:
Hilda came to NDak via Jacob Nilson (aka Nelson, father of two of MaryOP's daughters-in-law, Olga and Othilda) who traveled multiple times to his homeland in southern Norway to enlist eligible young women age 16--18 who would emigrate to USA to be housekeepers and future wives of homesteaders and their sons. Jacob would escort them trans-Atlantic to Towner County. Jacob lived in Bisbee with his family -- and also fetched three of his brothers from Norway to NDak with him in various trips. Here's a studio photo of teenaged Hilda, likely soon after she arrived in NDakota and was employed as house helper to Lena & Ras (another story has her working at MaryOP's home; perhaps she did both over time.)
Within the next 20 yrs in Egeland Hilda and Will had eight children: Vernon Vaughan, Wallace Walter, Herman Hubert, Evan Edmund, Leona Leatta (R. Southwick), James Jonathan, Miriam Marie (R. Johnson /Miller) and Norma Naomi (R. Harrel). They are seen here in (mostly but) not quite birth-order:
Next they stand in order of birth: Morris & Anna; Harry, Evelyn (R. Freeland), Thelma(Sally, R. Ward), Mildred (R. Mehl), and Grace (R. Bergman/ Simmons). Harry, Evelyn and Thelma were born in Kalispell MT; Mildred and Grace in Egeland ND. All but Evelyn lived Wenatchee WA; she lived in Idaho and Colorado.

Lastly of Morris, here's a cool photo of him and his Annie celebrating some anniversary(s?) with his brother Jim and his Annie, maybe in the 1940s. Indeed, as the two bros had married Anna(s) (nee Johnson and Paulsen) the women were often referred to as 'Annie Morris' and 'Annie Jim' to distinguish the two -- a typical method back then in families with multiples of a popular name:
6.) WILLIAM (Will) -- Frederick Vilhelm Rasmussen [1884--1965]
After a stint of farming in MT, William returned to Egeland ND to farming with his eldest brother at Ras & Lena's place in Egeland ND. There he met their housekeeper Hilda (Fjare) Jensen, his future wife. Here's their 25 Nov 1909 wedding photo, lifted from a book Chris R's grandson Larry Smith wrote about the Rasmussen families from which I've gleaned a lot for this feature collection:

Within the next 20 yrs in Egeland Hilda and Will had eight children: Vernon Vaughan, Wallace Walter, Herman Hubert, Evan Edmund, Leona Leatta (R. Southwick), James Jonathan, Miriam Marie (R. Johnson /Miller) and Norma Naomi (R. Harrel). They are seen here in (mostly but) not quite birth-order:
A studio shot, circa 1939:

Although we've already seen them with their youngest, Norma, I can't resist showing this one as she's a cutie and still living:
At some point which I don't know, the family moved west to the coast for work and eventually to Oregon. I really like these two photos with three of the brothers: L-to-R: Chris, Will and Ras S. Rasmussen . . .
. . . AND taken the same day but not quite in parallel order, are their wives, L-to-R: Dagny (Chris), Lena (Ras) and Hilda (William) Rasmussen:

Although we've already seen them with their youngest, Norma, I can't resist showing this one as she's a cutie and still living:

7.) CARL -- Kristian Frederik Karl Rasmussen [1887--1957?]
I know the least about Carl. Maybe someone can send me more info? I'd appreciate it. He was married twice; no offspring of his own. First is a photo of when he (right) and friend George Paulsen (MaryOP's 10th-born) were in their late teens. It looks to me that they donned photo studio 'prop hats' neither of which fit them very well. Hidden beneath Carl's hat is an amazing crop of hair. Many of the Rasmussen brothers had 'big hair' (see William's wedding photo, for example) but Carl likely would get the top prize.

Carl would marry Agnes ____ who was quite a bit older than he. They lived in a lake shore log cabin on Flathead Lake near Kalispell MT and raised cherries and he did odd jobs. He was a carpenter when living in East Wenatchee WA -- about a block from his brother Maurice & family. Here is Carl & Agnes wedding (I think) photo, date unknown to me:

Below find part of the same photo used many inches ago in the Chris-Dagny section. This time it highlights Carl {{I'd love to see what his hair was doing at age 70!}} with his second wife, Frances. Ponder this ::: after his wife Agnes died, Carl married her granddaughter Frances -- then about 17. Despite their age difference, story has it that they were happy together. This is the only photo I have of her so far. Frances stands behind Dagny & Chris. I note Carl's brothers Chris and Jim yust for the sake of context:
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For another glimpse of Carl see the Kalispell winter scene at very end of this posting where he stands at far right. I'd love to see any other photos of Carl out there, or learn more about his life if you care to share.
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Now a couple of final Rasmussen-Paulsen family group photos --
This peopled porch scene of 1904 or '05 is full of Rasmussens and 4 Paulsen daughters/ sisters & one Paulsen niece and was almost certainly taken in Egeland ND. Anyone know for certain whose porch? I call it the 'pea-shelling' photo -- or bean-snapping? -- as that seems to be what Lena is busily doing with a turned chair for work-counter, a duty while the photographer sets up a huge old box camera with 'accordion' extension lens on a big old wooden & brass tripod, usually. With such domesticity in action, it is likely her home. Maybe they are hosting the crowd? this then would be the Ras-Lena home before the one built in 1910. If so, such burned down within a few years and the new one was built on the site.
This peopled porch scene of 1904 or '05 is full of Rasmussens and 4 Paulsen daughters/ sisters & one Paulsen niece and was almost certainly taken in Egeland ND. Anyone know for certain whose porch? I call it the 'pea-shelling' photo -- or bean-snapping? -- as that seems to be what Lena is busily doing with a turned chair for work-counter, a duty while the photographer sets up a huge old box camera with 'accordion' extension lens on a big old wooden & brass tripod, usually. With such domesticity in action, it is likely her home. Maybe they are hosting the crowd? this then would be the Ras-Lena home before the one built in 1910. If so, such burned down within a few years and the new one was built on the site.
This photo includes Albert / MaryOP's two daughters who married Rasmussen brothers, Lena to Ras S, and Annie to Jim, and daughter Mary HP who married Carl Fredlund, and young 12th-born Hannah (about age 12 in photo) who are listed in bold -- as is Albert's niece, Mary Miller 'Mary Sanders' Fredlund. There are three Visitors, identified only with a "V."
Seated left to right: Maurice/Morris Rasmussen; V.; bearded Ras Rasmussen (holding toddler gr'dattr Eva); V., V.; Ras S Rasmussen (containing frisky 3rd born, Ernest) and Lena Paulsen Rasmussen 'shelling peas'; 'Mary Sander' (Sander) Fredlund; and seated at far right is Mary H. Paulsen (Carl) Fredlund.
Standing left to right: Dagny (Chris) Rasmussen by likely her firstborn Lydia; Hannah Paulsen by the center post; the lad with suspenders is Jalmer Fredlund, about age 7 (son of Carl and Mary, she seated at far right). Standing at door is Annie Paulsen (Jim) Rasmussen holding her 2nd born, Joy, sis of child on seated old Rasmus' lap); standing behind their parents Ras S & Lena are Elna and Mae wearing white matching pinafores; and standing in far right corner with multi-ruffled collar is Annie Johnson (Morris) Rasmussen -- always a classy dresser!
> > Can anybody provide names for the three visitors?
> > > Of interest: Lena and Ras' 1st & 2nd born girls, in pinafores above, would eventually provide 23 of their grandchildren -- Elna (10 Seversons) and Mae (13 Odegaards.)
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Standing left to right: Dagny (Chris) Rasmussen by likely her firstborn Lydia; Hannah Paulsen by the center post; the lad with suspenders is Jalmer Fredlund, about age 7 (son of Carl and Mary, she seated at far right). Standing at door is Annie Paulsen (Jim) Rasmussen holding her 2nd born, Joy, sis of child on seated old Rasmus' lap); standing behind their parents Ras S & Lena are Elna and Mae wearing white matching pinafores; and standing in far right corner with multi-ruffled collar is Annie Johnson (Morris) Rasmussen -- always a classy dresser!
> > Can anybody provide names for the three visitors?
> > > Of interest: Lena and Ras' 1st & 2nd born girls, in pinafores above, would eventually provide 23 of their grandchildren -- Elna (10 Seversons) and Mae (13 Odegaards.)
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The last photo this month's posting is another Rasmussen group, taken 1905 or '06 on a cold day in Kalispell MT in front of the home of old Rasmus and Stine Ramussen with four of their six surviving sons to help out on a butchering day. It was a big work event done in mid-winter so the meat would quickly freeze. From left, Rasmus & Stine Rasmussen; Jim R. holding Eva, & Anna (Paulsen) holding Joy; Chris R. & Dagny; Maurice R., and Carl R. (about age 18.)

Do let me know of things I've written amiss -- or of identifications you can offer, further details or explanations or any feedback you've a mind to. I'll consider it and make corrections if I can. You know I Love old photos; scan & e-send [at a high resolution] your finest old Paulsenoid-plus pics > or send the original(s) with your name and address written gently on its back (around the edges to protect front image from bleed-through) likewise the people IDs, approximate year and location, if known. If you have a wonderful old mystery photo of likely Paulsenoid faces or homes, send and I'll try to use it here with big question marks -- other Readers might recognize it and provide Who, What or Where or maybe even the When! It can't hurt to try and might help. Besides, mysteries are Cool ...
There will be no photo-feature following the August 1910 diary posting, but subsequent topics will include: the Nelson family; of old-time architecture in early 20th cent. Paulsenoid Homes and or earlier homesteads; one of various tombstones/etc of Paulsenoid fam members alive in 1910; and a collection of best intriguing old Mystery photos needing identifications (your submissions) . . . so please think about pics to share (in ready advance) for these photo feature subjects especially. Thanks.
-- Marsha Paulsen Peters (b 1956 NDak) >> mapptree@gmail.com
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